Saturday, 12 May 2007

E. Livieratos new book

The new book by prof. Evangelos Livieratos A journey into the dominance of maps. Stories about the representation of the expansion of the World is the first in the series Journeys with maps in places and utopias an editorial project by Ziti Publications in cooperation with the author. A book series for the general public (but not only), journeys of acquaintance with the imaginary, the oneiric, the unreal and the real worlds of maps, the eternal and ephemerous, from Greece to the World and from the World to Greece, from the civilization of maps in clay to the civilization of maps in digits through people, lands and seas, cities, relieves, deserts and islands!
ISBN 978-960-456-050-9, 145X205mm, 142 p., 99 images.

Tuesday, 8 May 2007

Venice in Greece (17th - 18th cent.)

An impessive book by Guido Amoretti, Head of the Piemonte Region's Centro Studi e Ricerche Storiche sull'Architettura Militare del Piemonte is narrating with wonderful maps the Venetian presence in Greece during the 17th and 18th centuries. Under the title La Serenissima Repubblica in Grecia the book is illustrated with maps and images from the archive of Capitano Antonio Paravia and the archives of Venice.
269 pages (in italian and soon in english), 310X230 mm, Cover image, the city of Thessaloniki from the sea, 18th century (Museo Correr).