Tuesday, 3 July 2007

Island Cartographies: Knowledge and Power

Hermoupolis, Island of Syros (Cyclades, Greece), 16-17 July 2007. A meeting on 'Island Cartographies' organized by the National Hellenic Research Foundation (G. Tolias) and the RAMSES 2 project (J.-L. Arnaud). Speakers: B. Bessi (Rome), N. Bouloux (Tours), T. Koutsogiannis (Athens), C. Zacharakis (Athens), E. Livieratos (Thessaloniki), C. Boutoura (Thessaloniki), P. Falchetta (Venice), D. Loupis (Cambridge, Ma.), G. Tolias (Athens), P. Militello (Catania), A. Stouraiti (Oxford), F. Lestringant (Paris).