Sunday, 6 January 2008

E. Livieratos, "25 Centuries of Cartography and Maps"

The revised version of the 1998 almost homonymous book by E. Livieratos is now published (in Greek), December 2007, by Ziti Publishers under the title 25 Centuries of Cartography and Maps: A tour from the Ionians to Ptolemy and Rigas. In 263 pages [210X287 mm] illustrated with 241 grayscale images the book narrates the 25 centuries of cartography and maps in six chapters: 1. Why the maps? (the human visual perception paradox and the maps), 2. The Greeks (principles of Ancient Greek cartography and the names), 3. Ptolemy (the culmination of Greek cartography), 4. Middle Ages (from the fall of Rome to the capture of Constantinople), 5. Renaissance (the western period of Ptolemy cartography and the renaissance of cartography), 6. Science and Enlightenment (from geodetic cartography to Rigas Charta).
More (in Greek)
Order: Ziti Publ.