Francis Herberr, RGS,
f.herbert@rgs.org comments: "....A Goya portrait in oils of the 6 years-old Infante Don Luis Maria de Borbon y Vallabriga (nephewof Carlos III of Spain) of 1783 that had hitherto been in private hands (or "only slightly grubby after two centuries of hanging on the walls ofthe private palaces of a series of dukes"); as it depicts maps, and is now at Museo del Prado in Madrid for conservartion, this news mightinterest art historians, map historians, historians of scientificinstruments (etc.). It is expected to be hung later at Zaragoza's city museum. The Infante is shown "standing over a map of the world" [sic - i.e. heis standing in front of a framed cartographic outline depiction of Europe] and holding "a piece of a puzzle map of Spain in one [i.e.right] hand and a compass in the other [left]... (posted in